Elliptical sentences harus anda kuasai dengan baik, sebab sedikit banyak akan berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan anda dalam berbahasa Inggris.
Kalimat ellipsis ini bisa dibentuk jika:
* Kedua kalimat memiliki unsur kalimat yang sama. (Unsur kalimat; Subject, Predicate, Object/Complement)
* Kedua kalimat menggunakan tenses yang sama, dengan pola predikat yang sama. Bila tensesnya sama, tetapi pola predikatnya berbeda, kedua kalimat tidak bisa disederhanakan dengan pola ellipsis.
Contoh: He is at home. (P = to be)
I go home. (P = Verb)
Ada 3 bentuk kalimat ellipsis:
1. Positive Elliptics2. Negative Elliptics3. Opposite Elliptics
1. POSITIVE ELLIPTICS (too dan so)
Too dan so (=juga) digunakan jika kedua kalimat berbentuk positif.
Pola kalimatnya:
I am an artist. Maya is an artist.
- I am an artist and Maya is too.
- I am an artist and so is Maya
I like tea. Ronaldo likes tea.
- I like tea and Ronaldo is too.
- I like tea and so is Ronaldo.
Dora went to London. Emon went to London.
- Dora went to London and Emon did too.
- Dora went to London and so did Emon.
Rudi can speak Japanese. Susi can speak Japanese.
- Rudi can speak Japanese and Susi can too.
- Rudi can speak Japanese and so can Susi.
2. NEGATIVE ELLIPTICS (either dan neither)
Either dan neither (= juga tidak) digunakan jika kedua kalimat berbentuk negative.
Pola kalimatnya:
I am not an artist. Maya is not an artist.
- I am not an artist and Maya isn’t either.
- I am not an artist and neither is Maya.
I don’t like tea. Ronaldo doesn’t like tea.
- I don’t like tea and Ronaldo doesn’t either.
- I don’t like tea and neither does Ronaldo.
Dora didn’t go to London. Emon didn’t go to London.
- Dora didn’t go to London and Emon didn’t either.
- Dora didn’t go to London and neither did Emon.
Rudi cannot speak Japanese. Susi cannot speak Japanese.
- Rudi can’t speak Japanese and Susi can’t either.
- Rudi can’t speak Japanese and neither can Susi.
But (=tetapi) digunakan jika kedua kalimat bertentangan.
Pola kalimatnya:
I am an artist. Maya is not an artist.
- I am an artist but Maya is not.
I don’t like tea. Ronaldo like tea.
- I don’t like tea but Ronaldo does.
Dora went to London. Emon didn’t go to London.
- Dora went to London but Emon didn’t
Rudi cannot speak Japanese. Susi can speak Japanese.
- Rudi cannot speak Japanese but Susi can.
Contoh Soal:
1. Riska is tall. Toni is tall.
Jawaban: Riska is tall, and so is Toni/Riska is tall, and Toni is too.
2. Dina eats pizza everyday. My sisters eat pizza everyday.
Jawabam: Dina eats pizza everyday, and My sisters do too.
3. I can sing. You can sing.
Jawaban: I can sing, and so can you.
4. John is playing soccer. Beni is playing soccer.
Jawaban: John is playing soccer, and so is Beni.
5. We bought a new car. She bought a new car.
Jawaban: We bought a new car, and so did she.
6. They will not
visit you. I will not visit you.
Jawaban: They will not visit you, and neither will I.
7. He doesn’t do the home work. I don’t do the home work.
Jawaban: He doesn’t do the home work, and neither do I.
8. They don’t watch TV. Toni doesn’t watch TV.
Jawaban: They can’t sing, and neither can I.
They don’t watch TV, and neither does Toni.
They don’t watch TV, and neither does Toni.
9 . We haven’t eaten. They haven’t eaten.
Jawaban: We haven’t eaten, and neither have they.
10. They can’t sing. I can’t sing.